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The Ridgeway

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Year 1 - Mrs Bloom & Miss Stewart

Welcome to the Year 1 class page. 


Mrs Bloom is the teacher in 1 Kennet and will be replaced by Mrs Roberts when she goes on maternity leave in Autumn 2. 









Miss Kober is the teaching assistant in 1 Kennet.









Miss Stewart is the teacher in 1 Loddon.


Mrs Hunt and Mrs Sundaradhas are the teaching assistants in 1 Loddon.


Mrs Pontin and Miss Khan will be supporting across both Year 1 classes.


If you wish to contact a member of the year 1 team, please email them at





Reading to an adult for 5 minutes a day five times a week

Bonus homework: An adult reads a story to their child and discusses the book.


We will continue to change the children's reading books on a Monday and a Thursday. Please remember your child should read their reading book  three times before it is changed, this is to encourage fluency when reading. 

Your child will be bringing home a library book. This book has a sticker on the front labelled 'this book is to be read with your child.' Your child will have selected this book from the library for you to read with them. These books will be changed on Thursdays. 




Number Bonds within 10




PE is on a Monday  Children need to come into school in their PE kit on this day. Please ensure that your child is wearing the correct PE kit. This includes:


• black or dark grey shorts

• plain white or dark green t-shirt, with or without school logo

• plain black or white, well-fitting trainers for outdoor games

• plain black or dark grey tracksuit (i.e. jogging bottoms/sweatshirt) for outdoor games in the winter – no obvious logos or branding.



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