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Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium at The Ridgeway Primary School


At The Ridgeway Primary School, we have high aspirations and ambitions for our children and we strongly believe that no child should be left behind, academically or socially. 

Our school vision is for all pupils to succeed and to contribute to society, regardless of their socio-economic background.  We are determined that all children will be given every opportunity to achieve their potential and we use pupil premium funding, alongside allocations from the school budget, to ensure that pupils are supported to achieve.


Is my child eligible for pupil premium funding?


If your child is now or has ever been eligible for Free School Meals because your family were on a low income or in receipt of certain benefits, then your child will be eligible for pupil premium grant funding for a minimum of 6 years.  Although all pupils in Reception and Years 1 and 2 receive a free meal at school, this is not the same as Free School Meals which parents/carers must apply for.  If you believe that your family may be eligible for Free School Meals because you or your partner are on a low income or in receipt of certain benefits, please ask the school office for an application form.  


Pupils who have previously been 'looked after' by the Local Authority - in other words have been in foster care at all, even for a day - are also eligible for pupil premium grant funding, as are pupils who are now adopted or who are living with a family member or carer under a Special Guardianship Order (SGO).  


How much is the pupil premium grant?


This year (2022-2023) the pupil premium grant for each child eligible due to having had Free School Meals is £1,385 and the grant for each child eligible due to having ever been 'looked after' is £2,410.



Information to be published for parents


Schools are required to produce a three-year strategy statement which includes plans for the spending the grant over the forthcoming three years. 

The Pupil Premium Grant Strategy Statement for the period 2023/24 to 2025/26  can be found below:

Pupil Premium Spending


As outlined in the report, the money the school receives for each child eligible for pupil premium grant funding is spent in a variety of ways, as outlined in the report.  Some of the ways in which the school spends its allocation of grant funding are:

  • additional adult support for pupils in lessons
  • small group and 1:1 tuition, delivered by a class teacher
  • training and support for classroom staff to ensure the strategies they use are effective in securing successful outcomes for all pupils but particularly for disadvantaged pupils
  • additional 3rd group teachers in English and maths
  • subsidised school uniform, trips and visits for eligible pupils
  • subsidised extra-curricular opportunities, for example for pupils to access clubs for which payment is required, such as Premier sports clubs


This is not a complete list - further information can be found in the strategy plan, above.

For the academic year 2022 - 2023, the government have allocated a 'recovery premium' to schools and this has been based on the number of pupils on roll eligible for pupil premium grant funding.  At The Ridgeway, we are expecting in the region of £16,000. Details of how we intend to spend our recovery premium is set out in the pupil premium strategy document (see above).

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