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Year 4 - Mrs Harman & Miss Ahmed

Year 4 Trip to Ufton Court - update for parents


While the children are away on Monday and Tuesday we will try to keep you updated on the day using this page. As and when staff are able to send me updates I will post them on here. Mrs Edgar


Everyone arrived safely at Ufton this morning and are just having a snack before they start the first activity. Even though the children all went to the toilet before they left, they had to all go again after the 20 minute journey!


The children enjoyed an exciting morning of 'crime and punishment' and 'myths and legends' followed by lunch.


By mid afternoon the children had been tasked with making their own beds and in Mrs Harman's words 'This was an eye opening experience!' The adults probably needed a lie down.


This evening the children and adults have all dressed up in Ancient Greek costumes and have just enjoyed a delicious banquet. Everyone is well fed and happy. They are not winding down for the evening yet so I'd think a good old run around outside on this beautiful evening will be on the cards.


Almost 9:00pm and the last message from staff at Ufton has just come through.  As predicted the children had a run around in the sun and are now all in their rooms, in their pyjamas, listening to a bedtime story with a biscuit. Fingers crossed the children are all exhausted and will be asleep within the next hour!


The next update will be in the morning around their breakfast time.


Tuesday morning


A fairly good nights sleep was had by almost everyone, a few children were still awake later on in the evening so they will be tired today! Breakfast was fresh fruit, cereal and toast so the children are stocked up for the morning. Their first task was to strip their beds - another challenge I am told!


After a morning of activities and lunch the children and very tired staff are now on their way back to school.


Everyone is now back at school very tired but the children said 'They loved it!' and the Ufton staff said the children were a credit to the school as their behaviour was fabulous.

Year 4 Class Teachers

Teaching Assistants

Mrs Thakur 4 Kennet

Mrs Mullins 4 Loddon 


PE days for both Year 4 classes are Monday and Thursdays (outdoors).

We do not have forest school this term.

Summer Overview

If you need to contact us then please use the year 4 e-mail address.   





Reading to an adult or independently for 20 minutes a day five times a week.


Bonus homework: An adult reads a story to their child and discusses the book.


Please try to read every day as this is the most important thing to help improve your reading and writing.



Children in Year 4 to 6 need to know their times tables up to 12 x 12 and be confident using them to solve problems. We expect children to be learning which ever times table they do not know at home. The class teachers will let the children know which times table they should focus on each week.


Remember to log into TT Rockstars to practise your times tables. If you have forgotten your password then email  home learning and we can send it to you. 


Here is a link to the log in page:



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