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The Ridgeway

Primary School

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Wraparound care

We are fortunate to be able to offer wraparound care for our families before and after school.  Breakfast and after-school wraparound care clubs are usually supervised by Mrs Hunt and supported by Mrs Martin.  Wraparound care club takes place in the main school hall and the children have plenty of games and other resources to keep them busy and active! 


  • Breakfast club (07.30am to 08.45am) costs £6.30 per pupil per session.
  • After-school club (3.15pm to 5pm) costs £8.90per pupil, per session.
  • Extended after-school club (3.15pm - 6.00pm, including a small tea) costs £12.65 per pupil, per session.


To register your child for wraparound care, please register via the parent portal on the Arbor App. You can download the Arbor App from the Appstore on your mobile phone. Office staff cannot take bookings over the phone or accept any other form of payment - all bookings must be made online via the Arbor App. Please note children must not arrive at wraparound care club without being pre-booked.





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