Contact Details
- 0118 937 5530
The Ridgeway Primary School, Hillbrow, Reading, RG2 8JD
The Ridgeway
Primary School
The Ridgeway Primary School is committed to the safeguarding of all children and vulnerable adults in school and across our wider community. Safeguarding is the process through which we keep children safe from any type of harm, which could include any form of abuse, both in person and online. Staff in school have an absolute duty to act in the best interests of the child or vulnerable person at all times. We strongly believe that safeguarding is everyone's responsibility.
All school staff, including members of our Governing Board, are trained to recognise the indicators of abuse and to manage an allegation of abuse or harm that may be made by a child or vulnerable person. Regular volunteers and students in school are also fully trained. Staff and other adults in school will always act on an allegation or a concern, but this will be done sensitively so as to reassure the child and to maintain confidentiality for the child and the family. We have a number of robust policies, most of which are updated at least annually and to which staff in school refer regularly when carrying out their safeguarding responsibilities.
All school policies can be found here.
We work with a range of external professionals to keep children and families safe: this includes the police; social workers; family support workers; medical professionals; foster carers; and, at times, family court professionals. When it is appropriate to do so, we also work closely with our colleagues in other local schools.
It is vital that we work closely with parents and carers to ensure children and families are safe. In most cases, it is parents and carers we turn to first when we are concerned about a child and very often we are able to put support in place quickly if it is required. Asking for help with a challenge or difficulty at home is not a sign of weakness - it is most certainly a strength and demonstrates your commitment to wanting the best for your child and your family. School staff will always be ready and happy to help you in any way they can.
Below you will find some additional sections that may be helpful to you.
The Ridgeway Primary School, Hillbrow, Reading, RG2 8JD