Contact Details
- 0118 937 5530
The Ridgeway Primary School, Hillbrow, Reading, RG2 8JD
The Ridgeway
Primary School
The Ridgeway is open 6.5 hours per day x 5 days per week = 32.5 hours a week.
Our start time is: 8:45am and our finish time is 3:15pm.
Our lessons in all year groups start promptly at 9:00 which is why it is really important that the children arrive at school at 8:45am so that they can sort out their belongings and sit down with their friends for registration. During this time there is a morning warm up in all classes before the children start the first lesson.
Children who arrive late to school are flustered and often miss the teacher input at the beginning of the lesson making them anxious as they are unsure of what they should be doing. Please help prevent this by ensuring your children arrive in good time.
The Ridgeway Primary School, Hillbrow, Reading, RG2 8JD