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The Ridgeway

Primary School

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Remote Education

In the event that school had to close for a period of time or that a child was unable to attend for medical reasons, we would provide the following remote education. We would of course need to review this on a weekly basis depending on the circumstances of the closure.




Staff would make use of Tapestry to provide appropriate school work for the children in both Nursery and Reception.  MS Teams would also be used for live lessons such as story telling and communicating with families.


Key Stage 1 and 2


The Class Pages on this website would be used to provide maths, English, reading and other curriculum learning for the children in Year 1 to Year 6.


There would be live lessons held on MS Teams for maths and English provided by a teacher to the children. These would be timetabled to ensure that where families only had access to one computer that all children would have the opportunity to join a live lesson.


Weekly catchup MS Teams calls would be available and the year group home learning email accounts monitored so that parents had a direct link to the class teachers.


Whole School


For those families who do not have access to a computer, paper learning packs would be made available. Exercise books would also be provided to those families who need them.


If the closure is longer term school would work with the DfE in an attempt to obtain laptops and WIFI dongles for families so that everyone has access to live learning.


Staff would make home visits for wellbeing checks.


Long Term Absence for Medical Reasons


When a child is well enough to participate remotely in their education a personalised curriculum would be put in place depending on the circumstances of the absence.

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