Contact Details
- 0118 937 5530
The Ridgeway Primary School, Hillbrow, Reading, RG2 8JD
The Ridgeway
Primary School
At The Ridgeway, children belong to a house team. Team points are awarded for all sorts of things - great effort, demonstrating our values, improving attendance or anything that staff feel deserves recognition. The points are usually awarded privately during the school day. Any member of staff and any volunteer can award a child or a group of children team points.
Team points are given as counters, and counted each week. 10 counters = 1 ping pong ball, which goes into a large container in the hall so that children can always see how their house are getting on.
At the end of every long term (December, April, July) the winning house have a bit of a treat - that might be some extra playtime or a non-uniform day, or sometimes extra forest school or a trip to a local playground.
Our house teams are Air, Water, Fire and Earth - these names were chosen by the staff and children.
This term, the winning house team is Water.
The Ridgeway Primary School, Hillbrow, Reading, RG2 8JD