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The Ridgeway

Primary School

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Year 2 - Mrs Hunter and Miss Harris

Mrs Hunter is the teacher in 2 Kennet.

Miss Harris is the teacher in 2 Loddon.

Miss Sullivan is the teaching assistant in 2 Kennet.

Mrs Sadiq is the teaching assistant in 2 Loddon.




Reading to an adult for 10 minutes a day six times a week.

Phonics books should be read three times (First read - accuracy focus; second read - fluency focus; third read - comprehension focus).

Bonus homework: An adult reads a story to their child and discusses the book.


Reading books will be changed on a Monday and a Thursday each week.



Number Bonds within 20




PE will be on a Tuesday and a Friday.


Please ensure that on a Tuesday and Friday your child comes to school dressed in their PE kit (White t-shirt, black tracksuit or shorts, pumps or trainers). As the weather gets colder, please ensure that your child has a warm jumper to wear for outdoor PE.


Home learning email address


If you have any questions or would like to share anything that your child has done at home then please send an email to:


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