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The Ridgeway

Primary School

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Year 6- Mrs Lewis, Miss Ahmed, Mrs John & Mrs Jackson

Year 6 Team

If you need to contact us then please use the year 6 e-mail address.   





Reading to an adult or independently for 20 minutes a day five times a week.


Bonus homework: An adult reads a story to their child and discusses the book.


Please try to read every day as this is the most important thing to help improve your reading and writing.


In Year 6 the children also have a grammar booklet to complete. This will be given out on Friday and handed in on the following Thursday.



Children in Year 4 to 6 need to know their times tables up to 12 x 12 and be confident using them to solve problems. We expect children to be learning which ever times table they do not know at home. The class teachers will let the children know which times table they should focus on each week.


Remember to log into TT Rockstars to practise your times tables. If you have forgotten your password then email  home learning and we can send it to you. 


Here is a link to the log in page:


In Year 6 the children also have an arithmetic booklet to complete. This will be given out on Friday and handed in on the following Thursday.



6L and 6K both have PE on Tuesday and Thursday each week. 6T has PE on Tuesday and Friday. Please remember to come to school in your PE kit.


Forest School

Y6 do not have Forest School this term. We will let you know when it is our turn.


Thank you

Y6 team


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